C. River’s Studio

お知らせ(new arrivals section)

  • 私に必要な能力を学べる企業を見つけた、ここしかない
  • 人生で一番迷走中
  • 近々がらりとHPを変える予定
  • おとなの校庭も変えた方がいいような気がしてきた
  • 人生をもっと楽しくするのが目的。アイデアを練り直すべきのような気がする
  • いやなんか違う、もっとリアンシティとか近場に焦点を当てるべきか
  • 色々と不安だけどなんとかHPの大枠は完成
  • おとなの校庭に決定
  • いやこれを参考にしよう
  • 事業(授業)内容を「おとな小学校」にしようとしたら田村淳さんがもうやってた。ショック。。。
  • 元教員なのだからとにかくHPに学校色を追加
  • 屋号の変更:studio→playgroung(校庭、遊び場)
  • ドローン国家資格:二等無人航空機操縦士の実技審査の対策
  • スワヒリ語の記事の追加(Kuongeza makala ya Kiswahili)
  • ブログの追加
  • Add “Blog”
  • 「事業内容」の追加(Add “Business Overview”)2024/08/21
  • 「実績」の追加(Add “Track Record”)2024/08/21
  • 「ブログ」の追加(Add “Blog”)2024/08/21
  • 「よろず屋」の追加(Add “General Store”)2024/08/21
  • 「その他」の追加(Add “Miscellaneous”)2024/08/21
  • 新着情報
  • テスト(test)


Middle-aged and elderly, too, be ambitious.

How will you live in the era of a 100-year life?




English(As I continued to grow older, the fear・・・

As I continued to grow older, the fear of a lonely future crossed my mind. The courage to take on new challenges, the ability to earn an income with a creative mindset, hobbies that enrich my life, and trustworthy relationships – when I realized these were missing from my life, a strong desire arose within me: I wanted to live more passionately, to ignite my life.

After 13 years as a teacher, I decided to close that chapter and take the path of challenge. This website is a place where I share the insights and ideas I’ve discovered, for those who also want to change their lives.

C. River Studioとは?
What is C. River Studio?


C.River, a former high school teacher, has established an online community with the concept of a school. Do you remember how, in your childhood, you could get so immersed in something that you forgot about time, without overthinking things? Together, let’s seriously explore how to make life more enjoyable. No, actually, I want you to help me think about it. Please, join me. Pleeeease! I can’t do this alone—help me, save me, and rescue me!!!


C. River Studioの理念と目標
The Philosophy and Goals of C. River Studio

理念 / Philosophy
Create a More Enjoyable Life Through Creativity and Action

目標 / Goals
Making Yokosuka the No.1 city in the ‘Best Places to Live’ ranking.
While taking on this high-difficulty mission, live each day to the fullest with excitement and joy.
And share that excitement with as many people as possible.

By C.River


When I said, ‘I want to revitalize Yokosuka and make it a place where more people would want to live,’ a city official told me, ‘If you could make that happen, it would be Nobel Prize-worthy.’ It seems the reason is that, due to its dead-end location, companies aren’t coming in, which leads to young people leaving in search of jobs. So, how about joining me in aiming for a Nobel Prize?

C.River Studioに入学するとできること
What You Can Do After Joining C.River Studio

! Monthly Membership Fee: ¥0 !!

①英語の勉強ができる / You can learn Japanese
 ・You can make many Japanese friends and learn Japanese and Japanese culture from them.

②オンラインコミュニティへの参加 / Participate in the Online Community
 ・C.Riverが主宰する「C.River Studio」で、他のメンバーと自由に意見交換や情報共有ができます。
 ・In “C.River Studio,” hosted by C. River, you can freely exchange opinions and share information with other members.

③限定コンテンツの閲覧 / Access to Exclusive Content
 ・You can access exclusive content such as articles, blogs, and interviews on various themes.

④イベント情報の優先案内 / Priority Notice for Event Information
 ・Receive early notifications about special events and workshops, whether online or offline.

⑤気軽に参加できる無料ワークショップ / Free Workshops You Can Easily Join
 ・Participate in free online workshops, such as English pronunciation correction sessions or self-expression enhancement workshops.

⑥フィードバックや意見を募る場 / A Space for Feedback and Ideas
 ・Share your opinions and ideas about services and content within the community, with the possibility of them being implemented.

⑦気軽なチャレンジや課題 / Fun Challenges and Tasks
 ・Take on small challenges and self-improvement tasks designed to “Make Life More Fun.” You can share your progress and encourage each other as you work towards your goals.

⑧リクエスト機能 / Request Function
 ・Suggest ideas for future events or content, with the possibility of having your opinions reflected in upcoming activities.

学校の悩み相談&進路相談 / School concerns and career counseling
 ・You can consult about concerns related to school and career paths. Using my experience as a high school teacher, I will provide as much support as possible.

お仕事の依頼 / Job Request
※準備中 / In Preparation

  • 出張英会話クラス(企業向け)
    On-site English Conversation Classes (for Businesses)
  • 英語によるツアーガイド+ドローン空撮&動画編集
    English Tour Guide + Drone Aerial Filming & Video Editing
  • イベント企画(最終目標は横須賀を住みたい街ランキング1位にすること)
    Event Planning (The ultimate goal is to make Yokosuka the No.1 city in the ‘Best Places to Live’ ranking)
  • 元・教員による無料お悩み相談(リアンシティor近所の住人限定)
    Free Consultation for Concerns by a Former Teacher (Exclusive to Rian City or Nearby Residents)
  • 元・教員による無料英会話クラス(リアンシティor近所の住人限定)
    Free English Conversation Class by a Former Teacher (Exclusive to Rian City or Nearby Residents)
Class journals, school stores, and more

Free Services Exclusive to Rian City

Job Request


33-Language Challenge
(English only)


General Store



(English only)

目安箱 / Suggestion Box

For those who have any opinions, requests, or questions regarding this website or the services provided, please click here.
